This is the time of year when I am especially happy to be in Garrett County. We have beautiful clear skies, chilly nights and an abundance of wildlife.
The view above, looking across the cove to the mountains beyond, seems to sum things up nicely. This is favorite view of both locals and tourists.
Everyone at the branches is gearing up for Summer Reading Club. This year's t-shirt is much better than last years. Sadly, this may be the last year for Sneaks.
Summer Reading Club banner at the Friendsville Library.
T-shirts are $5.00
The Grantsville is for the birds! (just kidding) There does seem to be a bird population explosion in Grantsville. The Library is a popular spot for nesting or just hanging out.
Nest over the letter T.
Ducks on the pond in front of the Grantsville Library.
Can't wait to start reading : Vineyard Stalker by Philip R. Craig - if only to cleanse my mind of the depression left by The Road
Everyone should have: Peterson's Field guide to Mammals of North America; and National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mammals. Yes, you need both. The Audubon guide has color photos and the Peterson's guide has color drawings. Peterson's has much more extensive narratives about each animal and it shows gory details like skulls and teeth.
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